Chenopodium Oro De Valle
A specially selected golden headed strain producing plants with relatively loose seed heads packed with golden seeds. A more stocky summer ornamental variety but nonetheless, equally as attractive in the garden border or for cut flowers as Cherry Vanilla. 4’. HHA.
How to Grow Chenopodium Quinoa from Seed
Direct sow the seeds in the spring after the last frosts are passed. Sow ¼ ” deep, spacing seeds 10” apart between plants if growing for cut flowers, or a little closer if growing for baby leaves. Seeds should germinate within 2 weeks.
A well drained, loamy soil is ideal with a little added well-rotted compost or manure. Keep well weeded. Quinoa is drought tolerant and undemanding. Perfect for the back of the border and a useful cut flower too.

Item Code: 1293A
Type: Half Hardy Annual
Packet Contains: 50 Seeds
Sow: March - May
In stock? Yes