Eucalyptus Baby Blue Bouquet
Eucalyptus cinereaLatin name
Adored by flower arrangers for its silvery-blue foliage, this compact tree is ideally suited to small gardens although perhaps easier to maintain in large pots. Once established the plants should be hardy although younger plants will need some frost protection. The very fragrant young foliage has striking round silvery-grey leaves and retains its colour well. An excellent variety for cut foliage in floral arrangements. HP /HT
How to Grow Eucalyptus
Before sowing Eucalyptus seeds benefit from a cold period at 3-5°C, around 2 months in the refridgerator is ideal. Eucalyptus seedlings do not like their roots being disturbed so choose pots, root trainiers or trays that are deep enough to allow the tap root to grow unhindered until the seedlings are ready for potting on. Aim for a 3 inch deep seed tray as a minimum.
15-20°C is an ideal tempertaure for germination. Pre-warm the compost for 24 hours before surface sowing the seeds, and mist lightly to prevent them from drying out. Once large enough to handle, transfer into indivdual pots, always handle carefully by the leaves and plant level with their natural collar.
Grow on in bright shade, until seedlings are about 12 inches tall, potting on as necessary while avoiding root disturbance.
Item Code: 1522C
Variety: Baby Blue Bouquet
Packet Contains: 20
In stock? Yes