Echium Pininana Tower Of Jewels
Echium pininanaLatin name
Tower Of JewelsCommon name
One of natures miracles. From a rosette of hairy strap shaped leaves on a thickish stem, will arise, astonishingly, a 12-14' tower of bright blue flowers, like swarming bees. Quite mesmerizing when seen. 12-14'.
How to Grow Echium from Seed
All Echiums are fabulous for bees and butterflies and are a huge source of nectar. There are several echiums to choose from. The foliage is similar but the flowers are different colours.
Echiums will grow and thrive in most areas, however they do not like excessive moisture and must be grown in well-drained soil. Canary Island Echiums are the most tricky to grow being native to volcanic, mountainous regions where the temperatures are colder and they mostly survive on mist and occasional rain in very little soil with few nutrients, so these conditions need to be mimicked in cultivation.
Echium seeds are best sown in summer for overwintering. Germination is very erratic and pots should not be discarded too early – 30 to 90 days is not unheard of.
Fill a wide pot with multi-purpose compost. Press the seeds in to the compost but do not cover them. Light is important for germination. Heat is not required for the germination of echiums.
Prick out the seedlings as soon as they are big enough to handle.
Most memebers of the Echium family have leaves with tiny allergenic hairs that may prove an irritant in some sensitive individuals. The needle sharp spines can become lodged in the skin much like those of a cactus. Use gloves when handling.
Item Code: 1498D
Variety: Tower Of Jewels
Type: Hardy Biennial
Packet Contains: 15 Seeds
Sow: February - April, September, October
Germination: Up to 90 days
Harvest: June - September
In stock? Yes