Eryngium Planum Blue Glitter
Eryngium planumLatin name
Sea HollyCommon name
A Gold Medal winning beauty with clear blue pincushion flowers adding drama and stature to a perennial border. The multitude of silvery blue, small spherical flower heads lighten up the garden and this striking variety makes a useful cut flower with a long vase life and can be used either fresh or dried. No vernalization is necessary for this true perennial. 2’6”-3’. HP.
How to Grow Eryngium from Seed
Eryngium, or Blue Sea Holly, are highly prized by flower arrangers for their striking foliage and flower heads. Most Eryngiums, or sea hollies, need light, poor soil will good drainage to thrive and look their best. When Sea Holly is grown on damp, heavy soil it tends to become floppy and a dull, grey-green.
Eryngium has long roots that penetrate deeply in the soil, compostable growing cells are ideal since they allow young plants to be placed in their final positions whilst minimising root disturbance.
Eryngium can be sown all year round. Sow into seed trays using a good seed compost and covering lightly. Seeds may need a period of cold to break dormancy and enable them to germinate. This can be achieved naturally by placing the tray in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse, or can be simulated by placing the tray into a fridge (around 4C is ideal) for a couple of weeks. Germination is erratic, between 5 and 90 days.
As each seed germinates we would recommend that you transplant into its own compostable growing cell using gritty compost to grow on until large and strong enough to be planted out into a sunny position.

Item Code: 1508D
Variety: Blue Glitter
Type: Hardy Perennial
Packet Contains: 15 Seeds
Sow: January - April, August, September
Germination: Up to 90 days
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