Lupin Heathcliff Blue
Lupinus polyphyllusLatin name
Lupin Common name
Deep unadulterated blue with strong commanding stems and a very masculine appearance. Dwarf, rugged and much admired. 2'6".
How to Grow Lupins from Seed
Lupins are easy to grow, but care should be taken to avoid the disease, and be warned, slugs love them! Allowing Lupins to set seed will weaken the plant for successive years so cut down flowering stems once the blooms fade.
Lupins are generally divided into tall types, which are typically sown in the summer and overwintered, and the shorter types, which can flower in the first year from an early sowing. Tree Lupins form a shrubby bush up to 1.5 metres in height.
Sow Lupin seeds in late winter or early Spring, or in Late summer to early Autumn. Germination normally takes 14 – 21 days at 65-70F. Keep the germinating seedlings moist at all times.
Prick out seedlings when two true leaves have developed and transplant into individual 3 inch pots. Grow on cooler, 15-18oC is ideal, and transplant into the garden when the pots are full of roots.
Overwintered Lupins should be kept on the dry side, under protection, such as a well-ventilated polytunnel, greenhouse or cold-frame.
Once planted out, Lupins prefer a sunny position.

Item Code: 1851B
Variety: Heathcliff Blue
Type: Hardy Perennial
Packet Contains: 30 Seeds
Sow: January - June, August, September
Germination: Up to 21 days
Harvest: May - July
In stock? Yes