Wallflower Sugar Rush Purple F1
Cheiranthus cheiriLatin name
Wallflower Common name
Beautiful purple Wallflower, a single colour selection from the popular Sugar Rush mixture, has larger flowers than standard Wallflowers and is a very appealing lavender purple. Outstanding planted as a single colour bed and a captivating sweet old-fashioned fragrance too.
How to Grow Wallflowers from Seed
To achieve the best effect with Wallflowers plant them in large drifts rather than dotted here or there individually. Planted along the edge of a path they are a delight and of course their heady honeyed fragrance is an absolute joy.
Wallflowers need to be sown a well in advance. Seeds sown from April to June will be ready for planting out from July to August and be settled into their final positions, ideally a sunny, well-drained spot, before the winter.
Wallflower seeds can be sown into trays or coir growing pellets and should germinate within 10 to 21 days at 65 -70F, before being grown on in individual 4 inch pots. Pinching out the growing tops as you transplant them into the garden will result in bushy plants and dense flowers.
Wallflowers should be in their final flowering position by the end of August when the soil is still warm and heavy dews have started falling helping to keep the ground moist enough to not need watering, this gives the young plants time to become established and stronger before the night temperatures drop significantly.
Regular picking of flowers and dead-heading your Wallflowers is important during the warmer months to prevent them running to seed.

Item Code: 2336A
Variety: Sugar Rush Purple F1
Type: Hardy Biennial
Packet Contains: 25 Seeds
Sow: April - July
Germination: Up to 21 days
Harvest: February - May, October, November
In stock? Yes