An introduction to seeds and plant types, terminology explained.

Hardy Perennial - HP

Hardy Perennials are permanent. Many do not flower until the second year and can be sownfrom early Spring to early Autumn.

Half Hardy Perennial - HHP

Treat as Hardy Perennials but remember to lift and keep frost free for replanting the following Spring.

Hardy Biennial - HB

Hardy Biennials flower only one season. Grow them similarly to the Hardy Perennials.

Greenhouse Perennial - GP

Perennials grown in greenhouse or conservatory for indoor use. Can be grown outdoors where frost free.

Hardy Annual - HA

Sow Hardy Annuals outdoors from early March to early May every year.

Half Hardy Annual - HHA

Sow Half Hardy Annuals in a propogator or greenhouse during late Winter or early Spring. Sow thinly in seed trays and cover with a very thin layer of fine compost. Transplant into potsor trays when large enough to handle. Harden off in a cold frame before planting outdoors in May.

Hardy Shrub - HSh

Prefers to be sown in the Autumn and placed outdoors in a cold frame.

Hardy Bulb - HBb

Plant in Autumn or Spring.

Detailed growing instructions are shown next to each product and will also be provided on the back of each seed packet.