Swede Tyne F1
The very first British bred F1 Hybrid with exceptional flavour. Nicely shaped roots offer a rich purple top and a cream base and will prove a very popular up and coming vegetable.
How to Grow Swede from Seed
Swede, as you might expect, originated in Sweden and is related to the turnip.
Swedes are primarily grown for their tasty edible roots but it's also possible to leave the root in the ground and eat the leaves as you would spring greens.
There are three types of swede, green tops, bronze tops and purple tops. Purple tops produce the largest crops and are the most commonly available.
Swede seed should be planted in early sping, between March and May, directly into drills where the plants are to mature. Germination normally takes places in 10 to 21 days at 65-70F. Swede is a long term crop, taking around 6 months to mature.
Thin out the rows as the roots mature to a final spacing of about 6 inches. Keep the roots free of weeds and well earthed up. Swede does not like to be water-logged but should be kept moist as dryness at the roots can lead to a bitter taste.
Swede is extremely hardy and can be harvested as required for winter use. They are a long term crop, taking up to six months to mature. One of the easiest vegetables to grow and well-suited to the novice gardener, they can be left in the soil throughout the winter.

Item Code: 0314C
Variety: Tyne F1
Type: Vegetable
Packet Contains: 250 Seeds
Sow: April, May
Germination: Up to 21 days
Harvest: August - December
In stock? Yes